I started 1025, a.k.a. ON1025, in July 2019. What began as an identity project gradually evolved into a universal celebration of creativity, as October 25th, my birthday, also lands on "International Artist Day."

The most fun way I could think of expressing and celebrating creativity was through 1025's original characters: Brynn-Bear, Flame Guy Kai, Ghost-Flower Blaze, Bellatrix the Star-Dome, and Arthur the Octobear. Due to my film background from the University of Southern California and my passion for storytelling, I wanted to depict a creative's journey through the 1025 universe and each character's effort to obtain "perfection" through a concept called "Cloud 8." 

Inspired by the concept "Cloud 9" and my favorite show, "One Piece," "Cloud 8" is presumably a fabled Cloud claiming to grant infinite creativity meaning no more creative blocks, doubts, etc. In the 1025 universe, Cloud 8 also expresses feeling most creative! 

1025 is my way of connecting with other creatives and, at the end of the day, simply having fun with my imagination. International Artist Day is ON 1025, and 1025 is A CALL TO CREATE. 

- Brynn McIntosh